Red Hot Faith
Lessons from a Lukewarm Church

Red Hot Faith
“I desperately want a life that has passion, purpose, spark, and meaning, but most days I feel caught up in the whirlpool of life. After a week filled with trips to Target, waiting at Walgreens, and drop-offs to the dry cleaners, I barely have energy to change my kids’ sheets, much less change the world.” —Cindy Bultema
If you’re tired of being pulled into a swirling, lukewarm routine of life that keeps you from experiencing God’s best, Red Hot Faith is for you. Join Cindy as she takes you and your group on an exciting journey to the land of the Bible to explore the early church of Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22). Just like us, the people in that church struggled with trying to “juggle it all” and moving out of their comfort zones.
Through Red Hot Faith, Cindy will help you:
- Turn up the heat on lukewarm living, and ignite a sizzling faith life
- Recognize patterns, habits, and attitudes that seek to steal or replace passion for God
- Replace negative self-talk with new “nametags” of Truth
- Discover meaning and purpose in the mundane, messy, and everyday moments of life
- Implement new easy strategies and tips for fueling the fire of your faith
Free Resources
Here are free downloadable resources to use as you journey through the Red Hot Faith Bible study.
Fiesta Ideas
Session Support Materials
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Red Hot Faith anyway?
Red Hot Faith: Lessons From a Lukewarm Church is a video and discussion-based Bible Study. Women will delve into the book of Revelation’s words to the church of Laodicea, a church reprimanded for their lukewarm faith. Please don’t let the book of Revelation intimidate you. Whether women have been studying the Bible for decades, or are still trying to figure this “Jesus thing” out, you’ll find relevant material that meets women right where they are on their spiritual journey.
How many lessons are there?
There are eight lessons in the Red Hot Faith series. The Leader’s Guide contains bonus ideas if you would like to plan a Red Hot Faith Fiesta as a final ninth session, but the ninth session is optional. (The Fiesta ideas can also be incorporated into the eighth session.)
Is there a lot of “homework” for the ladies?
The homework section of the Participant’s Guide is “short and sweet.” It was written with the busy woman in mind. The video teachings are definitely not “lite” — they are straight from God’s Word — but busy women may find the “at-home” portion a simpler format to complete during a full season of life. For women desiring more time in God’s Word, there are many options throughout the study to dig deeper in the Bible, spend focused time in prayer, and invest in memorizing God’s Word.
How long are the video teachings?
Session 1: The Journey Begins—23 minutes
Session 2: Letter to the Lukewarm—25 minutes
Session 3: Be of Some Use—24 minutes
Session 4: In Need of Nothing—20 minutes
Session 5: Testing Times—24 minutes
Session 6: White Clothes to Wear—25 minutes
Session 7: Receiving Sight—21 minutes
Session 8: The Red Hot Faith Backpack—18 minutes
You can view samples from the Red Hot Faith teachings on Cindy’s Youtube page here.
How long do you see the Bible study lasting? 1 hour? 1 ½ hours?
We recognize different groups have different time lengths available. We’ve set up the Leader’s Guide with different options based on whether the leader has 60 minutes, 90 minutes, or 120 minutes.
Is Cindy available to encourage the women?
Absolutely! Check out this red-hot West Michigan Summer Special here.
Also, Cindy is offering Zoom sessions to people outside of West Michigan who are hosting Red Hot Faith groups. Cindy would enjoy the chance to chat with a few Red Hot Faith groups, answer questions, and encourage them on their own faith journey.
For more details, email Cindy’s scheduling coordinator at Due to Cindy’s full family and speaking schedule, Zoom sessions are limited.
What is the format of the participant’s guide? Is there a place to take notes while watching the video? Is there a lot of homework?
The participant’s guide includes the following sections:
Get Into It: An introduction to the session’s theme, a choice of icebreaker questions, plus opening prayer prompts.
Watch It: An outline of the session’s video teaching for group members to follow along and take notes if they wish.
Discuss It: Scriptures passages to discuss, questions that reinforce the session content and encourage personal input from every group member, activities to support the session theme, as well closing prayer ideas.
Work on It: This “short and sweet” homework section allows you to go deeper in your study, apply what you are discovering to your life, but not overwhelm you in length. In fact, you’ll find you can complete these personal learning activities in one or two sittings during the week.
Do we have permission to play the promotional clip in church?
Absolutely! You may link to the promotional video here.
What resources do I need to get started?
In addition to a TV and DVD player, you’ll need:
- Red Hot Faith DVD’s
- Participant’s Guide (one per woman)
- Bible or copy of the Scriptures (one per woman)
- Leader’s Guide (you may want one per small group leader)
- Pens or pencils for all
- Nametags, if appropriate.
Print off a checklist for more helpful tips here – Creating a Red Hot Faith Group.
Do you have information I can share with others on Red Hot Faith?
Absolutely! Feel free to download the Red Hot Faith Media Kit here. It’s filled with quotes, content, and details you may find helpful. If there’s anything else you need, fill out the contact form or email Cindy’s assistant at We’re here to serve!
Sweet friend, please know, wherever you might be on your “faith journey,” we would love for you to journey through Red Hot Faith. Your first Bible study? Yippee! Been studying the Bible your whole life? May God open your eyes to new insights. Still trying to figure this whole “Jesus thing” out? Welcome!
May God turn up the heat on all of our faith lives and ignite within us a passionate, purposeful, Red Hot Faith!