Live Full, Walk Free
Set Apart in a Sin-Soaked World

Live Full, Walk Free
What if Paul’s extraordinary letter to the church in Corinth was written to believers living in modern day Las Vegas—or the ‘Sin City’ in our hearts?
Author, Bible teacher and speaker Cindy Bultema, whose own life has been touched by drugs, promiscuity and addiction, pulls back the curtain of time to unearth the riches of 1st Corinthians for us today, living in a shockingly similar culture of immorality, idolatry, and indulgence. With warmth, vibrancy, and lively insights into the ancient world, Bultema walks with us through scripture touching on themes of identity, unity, purpose, and purity. This study will equip you to live for God in a sin-soaked world and handle each situation with grace.
This Bible study book may be completed individually or with a small group, as well as alone or with the Live Full Walk Free DVD series.
About the Book

Step Into The Full Life
In addition to the Bible study book, Live Full, Walk Free offers a DVD video of six teaching sessions, plus a bonus session featuring Cindy’s personal story. Through the book and the DVD’s, this series will help you:
- Understand the deeply needed truths of Paul’s letter, enabling you to navigate your way within our current wayward, confused culture.
- Recognize common lies and deception from today’s culture, and replace false beliefs with God’s wisdom and Truth.
- Live victoriously and winsomely in the world, while not participating in the unwholesome activities of the world.
- Erase old self-defeating lies and labels with the liberating Truth from God’s Word.
- Respond with grace and truth in the “gray areas” of life, such as: watching the latest movie, reading the racy best-selling book, or drinking cocktails with co-workers.
- Guard your mind, heart, and body against sexual compromise, temptations, and immorality.
“Cindy beautifully weaves her personal story of healing and transformation with Paul’s revolutionary letter to the Corinthian Church. Her passionate and winsome teachings unfold the life-changing biblical truths that freed her from the desperate life of drug addiction and promiscuity. Through Scripture and personal stories, Cindy shares practical ways to align our hearts with God’s Word and creative ways to personally apply that Word so that we too can live confidently, fully and freely in our immoral, crazy, mixed-up world.”
“Being “in the world but not of the world”—what exactly does that look like in our world today? This spiritually helpful book knits Cindy’s personal experience into an insightful study of 1 Corinthians, providing practical strategies for carefully walking in today’s world without stepping into sin.”
Free Resources
Here are free downloadable resources to use as you journey through the Live Full, Walk Free study.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Live Full, Walk Free anyway?
Live Full, Walk Free: Set Apart in a Sin-Soaked World is a six-session Bible study book and DVD series. During the six lessons, Cindy explores Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians and shows how believers today can navigate their way in a wayward and confused culture. She reveals how Paul wrote his letter to the Corinthians—the “Sin City” of its day—to help them cultivate holy lives not by their own strength but through the power of Jesus Christ.
Touching on themes of identity, unity, purpose, and purity, this study will equip you to life for God in a sin-soaked world and handle each situation with grace. And whether women have been studying the Bible for decades, or are still trying to figure this “Jesus thing” out, you’ll find relevant material that meets women right where they are on their spiritual journey.
How many lessons are there?
Live Full, Walk Free is a six-session series, and may be fully completed in six weeks. However, if you decide to complete the series in a group setting, and your schedule allows for more time together, there are many ways Live Full, Walk Free may be offered.
The DVD series includes a Bonus Introductory Session to get know Cindy better, as well as distribute books and materials, making it a seven week series. Your group may also want to host a closing eighth week Live Full, Walk Free celebration. Some groups may choose to stretch the series out even further, allowing one week for homework discussion, one week for video watching and discussion, and repeating this structure until the end. The options are endless.
How long are the video teachings?
The Bonus Introduction teaching: Set Apart in a Sin-Soaked World (15:00)
1. Welcome to Sin City (26:00)
2. Cliques, Fools, & Secrets (27:00)
3. New Hearts, Old Habits (25:00)
4. Sex in the Sinful City (32:00)
5. To Eat or Not to Eat (27:00)
6. Our Final Victory (27:00)
How long do you see the Bible study lasting? 1 hour? 1 ½ hours?
We recognize different groups have different time lengths available. We’ve provided a free Leader’s Guide PDF with different options based on whether the leader has 60 minutes, 90 minutes, or 120 minutes.
Is Cindy available to encourage the women?
.Absolutely! Cindy loves connecting with women, and counts the many friendships she’s made through her ministry as one of life’s special joys!
Cindy would enjoy the chance to chat with a few Live Full, Walk Free groups, answer questions, and encourage them on their own faith journey. Also, Cindy is offering Zoom sessions to people outside of West Michigan who are hosting Live Full, Walk Free groups
For more details, email Cindy’s scheduling coordinator at